
Posts Tagged ‘candle magic’

Candles have been used in magic for a very long time. Part of the reason is that the wax is malleable. It’s easy to customize and put energy into. Once you have focused your intent into the wax, you light the wick, and let the energy flow to the ethers in a continuous flow of energy towards your goal.

The most important component in candle magic, which is true of all  magic is you! Secondary is the candle itself and all the components which will go into your spell.

First you must know what it is that you want to accomplish. As an example, we’ll use a love spell. It’s never a good idea to try to force a love spell upon an individual. Always gear a love spell to bring you your perfect partner. You can add details such as handsome, good sense of humor, good provider, etc., but don’t go after a certain person. That person may fall short of what you want once you know them well enough anyway, so go for the qualities, and let the Powers That Be decide who would be a good match for you.

With magic, we mix in a variety of components to resonate with your purpose. Everything has it’s own energy, including colors, shapes, and smells. Once you know what your objective is, you must get a candle of a corresponding color. Candles may also be used as a representative of you or someone else.

Black – Usually used to cause negativity, but can be used to remove negativity as well. In Ceremonial magic, a black candle may also be used as a representation of the Goddess with black being receptive, while white is projective.

Blue – A calm, tranquil color. Often used in healing spells. Youth, truth, peace, spirituality. Also used for protection.

Brown – Earthy color, sometimes associated with Saturn. Brown candles can also be used for animals, endurance, stability, friendship.

Gold – Wealth, prosperity, wisdom, Sun, masculine, power.

Green – Money, fertility, life, nature and healing. A seafoam green can be used as an offering to Venus or Aphrodite who is a Goddess of love.

Grey – maturity, security, sorrow.

Orange – High energy color for activity and strength.

Pink – Romantic love, beauty. This is the color for a long lasting romantic love.

Purple – This is a color of royalty, and some use it for prosperity. Purple also aides people in their profession. If you don’t already have money, this is not the color to use. This is the color for Jupiter who will bring you more of what you already have. Also used for spirituality, magic, mystery, psychic abilities, third eye.

Red – Red is for lust and passion. Red is also the color for Mars, who is a God of war. So if you use a red candle in a love spell, you may find it being a flash in the pan with a passionate love affair which will soon be over in a passionate fight. Some people manage red candles for romantic love, but you must really focus on your intent when using the energy of red.

Silver – clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychometry, intuition, dreams, astral energies, female power, communication, goddess, ornate riches.

White – Can be used for any project. Protection, purity, moon, God and Goddess.

Yellow – Things to do with the mind, and Mercury who is the God of communication. Also groups, travel, perception, messages and art.

Types of Candles

There are different types of waxes and gels these days. I do not recommend using a gel candle for magical purposes. You can use regular paraffin wax, beeswax, or soy wax. Paraffin is the most common and least expensive, therefore the most popular.

Adam & Eve, Lovers, or Marriage – This candle is shaped in the form of a man and a woman usually holding each other. Used in love magic.

Cat – Used for luck, hex-breaking, or hexing depending on the color:
Black Cat – To eliminate bad luck & bring in good luck.
Red Cat – To gain love through female (feline) guile.
Green Cat – To get money of a transient nature or to heal a pet.

Double / Triple Action – These have 2 colors, black on one end, and red or green on the other. The triple action have a third color. These are dual purpose candles. The red or green brings in your goal while the black repels any dark influences.

Human Figure – Used to represent yourself, someone else, or even as representations of deities on your altar.

Mummy – Used for success and power. Can also be used to ward off illness and dangerous situations.

Pyramid – Usually green with the all seeing eye on it, like on US currency. Used in money magic.

Seven Day – What’s commonly referred to as a seven day candle is a large jar candle. Some people put these in a safe place and allow them to burn uninterrupted while other’s will allow a certain amount to burn each day. Seven day candles usually finish burning before 7 days when left to burn from start to finish.

Seven Knob – The seven knob candle is also known as the wish candle. For each of seven days you light 1 knob.

Skull – A white skull candle is used for healing or to bend someone to your will.

Taper – These are the most common candles that you can find anywhere.  They range in height from 6” to 12”, and fit in most candleholders. They are used as altar candles, or spell candles.

Witch – Usually found in red, because it’s used as a very potent love spell. Also used to bewitch someone.
Cleansing Your Candle

Since you don’t know who may have handled your candle from it’s creation to the time that you purchased it, you will want to cleanse it of any lingering energies. The simplest way is to draw a banishing pentagram over it. Otherwise, you can sit it over a dish of sea salt for a few days, or be more elaborate and pass it through all four elements at your altar.

Getting Creative

Here comes the fun part. After you’ve chosen and cleansed your candle, you need to start putting your magic into it. If it’s a love spell, you can use your boline and carve a heart into it. You can also use runes, or write your message in Theban or your native tongue into it.

You can carve your name or the name of the person it’s to represent. You can carve into it’s side, or into it’s bottom. You can write a message or put a small picture of yourself under the bottom of the candle either between the candle and it’s bottom, or beneath the candle holder itself. Use your imagination!
Dressing & Charging Your Candle

Everyone wants a well dressed candle! Still using a love spell as an example, you would use a love oil such as Rose Oil or any other oils designed specically for love to annoint or dress your candle. If using a jar type candle such as a Seven Day, you can put a little oil on the top of the candle or use a bamboo skewer to make a few channels at the outer edges of the candle just inside the glass and put a little oil in each channel. Remember that oil is flammable, so just a few drops total in your candle is enough. You don’t want your entire candle to burst into a raging fire.

For all other candles, put some of the oil in your hand and rub your hands together in order to get oil in both palms. While holding the candle in both hands horizontally stroke the oil onto the candle. When the spell is to bring something to you, go from the outer edges in to the center . If the spell is to take something away from you, such as negativity, go from the center outwards.

While doing this focus on your intent. After doing about 3 strokes each end, hold the candle in both hands while really focusing on the end result. Feel the feelings of having whatever it is. Put all that energy into the candle.

When you’re done, put it in a candle holder (if it needs one) or in a fireproof dish. You can encircle it with herbs or flowers (rose petals for love), place gemstones around or near it (rose quartz for love).

Lighting Your Candle

If you are lighting your candle from a match, wait a second for the sulphur smell to subside before lighting your candle. You don’t want to put that energy into your candle unless you’re trying to hex someone.

Before touching the match (or other flame) to the wick, draw an invoking pentgram over it with the flame, then touch it to the wick to light.

You may sit and know that the candle is now working to bring you your desire.


When doing magic to bring something to you, do it during the waxing moon. To get rid of something, use the waning moon. If you want to resonate even more with your goal, you can even narrow down when to do your spell to the day of the week or the hour of the day.

Be aware that what you sew, you will reap, so it’s best to think about the consequences of putting a spell on another individual. Some people will ask others permission before doing any magical operation on them, even healing. I don’t see the necessity in this practice because if a person is wanting to be healed your magic can help them. If they do not want to be healed, they will remain sick no matter what you do. People may hang on to illness for all sorts of reasons, and if that is their deep down desire, you will not be able to change it. Magic effects people who are open to it. Not on a conscious level, but on an unconscious level. So even someone who says they do not believe in magic can still be effected by it.



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